It happens each and every time before a big event. I wait until about a week before I depart, and then frantically tear apart my closet.
I have nothing to wear.
“This won’t do! Ugh – why do I own that? This will work if I can lose 10 pounds in 4 days… That looked good in 2006. OMG I SUCK!”
*Technically* I have a few clothes to wear. Okay, more than a few. But come on, how can I go to an event as special as the Disney Social Media Moms Conference next week – without at least a few brand spanking new threads to show off?
(I know y’all are all wondering about this #DisneySMMoms hashtag I keep tweeting. Simply put – “The Disney Social Media Moms Celebration was created as one of the first family-friendly conferences where social media savvy moms and dads can network, learn, and share knowledge of social media while experiencing the magic of Disney with their families. The goal is to provide an intimate experience packed with access to industry leaders and opportunities to network with peers.” Translation: being the BEST social bee I can be… at the happiest place on earth. PINCH ME!)
To tell the truth, I know I’m not alone. Much discussion has flown back and forth between fellow attendees about what to wear, who’s going shopping – where, when, and what did she buy. (This gets a little complicated when you have friends with similar tastes and styles – yes, there will be an influx of long, flowing maxi dresses at the event.) We all seem to have one thing in common: a closet completely devoid of anything we want to take along with us. Buy. Buy. Buy. Spend. Spend. Spend.
So why do most women have the uncontrollable desire to pack a suitcase filled with brand new clothing? Certainly 99.9% of the attendees would have no clue if we are wearing a new top or one that is 5 years old. And 100% of the attendees wouldn’t care either way.
In fact, I’m willing to bet that some women will spend over 10 hours doing a combination of online research, in-person shopping, closet raiding, Spanx fitting, closet raiding part II, and finally, a Hail Mary trip to Insert-Your-Favourite-Store-Here a mere 12 hours before they jet off to Orlando. Not that I’m speaking from previous experience.
So why is there pressure to walk off the airport runway like we’re walking on a fashion runway?
I suppose when it comes down to it, it’s because most women feel their best when they look their best. And it’s hard to feel your best in a shirt that you know has been crumpled at the bottom of your closet for months; a pair of pants that you swear your baby once peed on; or a dress that has been worn so many times, it has stretched and faded to accommodate your more voluptuous areas. A new outfit means a new me; a “me” that has taken much care and attention to present the best Lena possible.
(“Don’t be fooled by the dress that I bought; I’m still, I’m still Lena from the block…” – Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
The last conference I attended was BlogHer ’12 in New York City – you’ll recall that I wrote up a “Frugal Fashion Recap” that included the following looks:
Since purchasing the dresses for BlogHer, I’m happy to report that I’ve worn the first two outfits once more, and I’ll be bringing the last one to Disney SM Moms to wear again at the opening family dinner. See? My entire wardrobe does not have to be new – I am capable of recycling outfits!
However, I am currently in fashion panic mode and will be undertaking a shopping mission of epic proportions this weekend, as I only have five (5) shopping days left before we leave. This time, I’m trying to plan for an outfit that can withstand 40-degree weather, but also be fashionable enough to identify myself as someone who is attending a professional conference. I’m thinking tank dress? Perhaps an airy cotton wrap dress? Fashion gods, have mercy.
Do you rush out to buy new clothes before a special event? Or do you work with what you’ve got?
we are on our way too and after looking at my closet last night I am glad that the only one seeing me will be my family! lol
Hahaha I can totally relate! I think I pack like a hobo when it’s just the family on vacay :)
I always want to shop before an event. It’s must be an inbred desire in all women. You looked fantastic every time I saw you at Blogher and I am sure next week won’t be any different. You are gorgeous period.
:) You are too good to me Julia, and if memory serves me correctly, you were also quite dashing at BlogHer!
I do a bit of both, but if I want to go shopping anywhere besides Walmart I have to drive an hour first, and I admit it. I’m a bit of a Walmart snob. I don’t buy clothes for big events there. So new clothes don’t happen that often for me. I do try on everything in my closet.
I think it’s almost a *good* thing that you have to drive an hour for the nearest store; it forces you to try on everything in your closet and absolutely decide if you need something new!
You always look fabulous Lena! Have a great time! :)
Thanks so much Sandy! Muah!
Despite an overflowing closet of dresses, shoes, and purses, I am definitely incapable of working with what I have (much to my partner’s dismay). I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, and I’m heading to the mall later today to shop for a dress (perhaps a long, flowing maxi dress?).
Victoria! How did you make out? Hope you found something awesome!
I didn’t have any luck on the dress front, but I did buy some wedding-unrelated sandals and jeans… I think my brain was trying to save me from the stress of trying on dresses last-minute, and so kept saying, “shoes, shoes, shoes, jeans, jeans, jeans, shoes, jeans…”.
I still love that maxi dress in your last picture! :) I need to pick up a few more of those for myself this summer!
I think that you’ve got a pretty good excuse to treat yourself to some clothes – run with it!
Four words Nicole: Banana Republic Factory Store. They have the best casual dresses!
I always get new digs before an event… much like you I hit panic mode about a week or two before. :-)
I think fashion panic is quite a common thing!
I struggle with this all the time even if I am just going shopping.
Hahaha Debbie, you’re too funny!
I never have anything to wear before going to the dr or grocery shopping lolol
Oh no you too! :) Thankfully the doctor and grocery shopping does not call for raiding your closet.
Depends what the event is. Like for my daughters wedding I had to have something special but was happy with a ‘new to me’ dress from a consignment store. For something like hubbys Christmas party Im fine with recycling or borrowing from my daughter!
A “new to me” dress has the exactly same effect as a new dress – it’s how you feel in it that counts! And you’re so lucky you can borrow a dress from your daughter :)
“Do you rush out to buy new clothes before a special event? Or do you work with what you’ve got?”
I work with what I have. I don’t believe we should be buying into crass consumerism and trying to show off to our neighbors. Placed into perspective, the majority of the world toils in poverty so we’ve got it pretty darn good!
That is a true statement. However, since we can’t solve the world’s problems with maxi dresses (or bacon!) we’ll just have to enjoy our new outfit :)
Oh, I am so like you with staring at a packed closet before going away and feeling like everything I own is horrible/looks horrible on… and then going out to purchase new items.
I do have a FEW standbys that I wear time and time again – but for the most part, I panic :-)
Have a good trip!
Thanks Suzie! I kid you not my closet is bursting at the seams, but I just don’t like half my clothes! That may be my next de-cluttering project :(
It depends on the money situation. If I know things are tight, I work with what I have or raid a friends closet. But for the most part, I usually buy something new.
I think most women tend to buy something new. It’s what makes us feel fabulous!
Love it, you’re bang on. I’m actually feeling kind of nervous about recycling one outfit for the exact same reason – do I want to be in photos, almost a year later, wearing the same dress? However, I feel that since I’ve given readers fair warning I’m wearing it again, I’ve kind of let myself off the hook :)
those are great outfits! i love the maxi dress in the last photo.
Thanks Sarah! Happy it will get another use!
You look gorgeous in all your outfits. Even though you plan on wearing the maxi dress for the second time, it looks cool and comfy for the hot weather. As for me, I always rush out to buy a new outfit before a special event – it makes me feel good about myself.
I think most women feel exactly how you do when it comes to a new outfit. And thank you!
You could put on a burlap sack and make it look good Lena ! I don’t attend many occasions that need a special dress, but when I do, I browse the internet for ideas and then try to find something close to it in the local mall. For a 40 degree dress, I would stay away from anything too clingy (I like to be able to get a breeze going) or any material that would hold the wrinkles after sitting for a while (had that happen a couple of times before I learned my lesson) ;)
Hahaha you’re too kind Flora. Thanks for the tips – I found the perfect, breezy top from Old Navy that I can’t wait to wear!
I try to recycle something from a previous year unless I have gained too much weight to fit into it. :/ [Why is it that it is I never because I lose too much? ] :)
You look great in anything, and Old Navy does have some cute tank dresses etc.
Thanks Rossana – in fact, I did grab a tank dress from Old Navy!
And yes, I usually have the same problem ;)
Stunning. Always. :)
:) Thanks Christine!
I try and make due with what I have for the most part because the budget is tight but occasionally I will splurge on something new especially if it is versatile and can be worn to a variety of things.
I always rush out to buy new clothes and shoes…and then some. I’m a monster that way. But you look great in the pics…so whatever you are doing is working for you, sister!