What makes someone an “expert”? Is it education, training, experience – a combination of the three? Or is it simply living, day in and day out, with something that forces you to learn, adapt and overcome?
If having psoriasis (PsO) for over 30 years – 75% of my life – makes me an expert, I’ll say I’ve earned my accolades. When I first started showing symptoms of the disease, I didn’t want to leave my room. I can recall every nuance of my childhood bedroom, and the hours I spent looking in the mirror while scrutinizing my imperfections. Running my fingers over the scales. Picking at the scabs. Wanting to pull the covers over my head and hibernate.
Today, in remission and thriving, the only time I hide away in my room is when I’m wearing cute pyjamas.
However, there were many, many lessons learned along the way. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned from experts on social media, it’s what NOT to do. Here are five things I’d never do as someone who has psoriasis:…