It’s no secret that I like changing things up, especially when it comes to my hairstyles. Long… short… dark… light… curly… straight… you name it, I’ve done it. Several times. In the past year.
However, if there’s one look I’ve yet to master, it’s bangs. You see, I’ve been told I have “the face” for bangs; I just normally make the same mistake over and over again… cutting my bangs in the summer. When there’s humidity.
Hint: humidity + bangs = no bueno.
Therefore, I decided that for once, I was going to make a smart decision about when to chop my locks. Ah, cold, dry winter air – you’re horrible for skin, but heavenly for bangs!
Straight, well-behaved bangs are literally all I want in life, besides fresh air, clean water and chocolate bars. And thick, long bangs are a bold statement! They say: “I’m so confident in my appearance you only need to see 66% percent of my face to get the gist of how amazing I am.”
Of course, they also say: “Cheaper than Botox.” …