It’s no secret that I like changing things up, especially when it comes to my hairstyles. Long… short… dark… light… curly… straight… you name it, I’ve done it. Several times. In the past year.
However, if there’s one look I’ve yet to master, it’s bangs. You see, I’ve been told I have “the face” for bangs; I just normally make the same mistake over and over again… cutting my bangs in the summer. When there’s humidity.
Hint: humidity + bangs = no bueno.
Therefore, I decided that for once, I was going to make a smart decision about when to chop my locks. Ah, cold, dry winter air – you’re horrible for skin, but heavenly for bangs!
Straight, well-behaved bangs are literally all I want in life, besides fresh air, clean water and chocolate bars. And thick, long bangs are a bold statement! They say: “I’m so confident in my appearance you only need to see 66% percent of my face to get the gist of how amazing I am.”
Of course, they also say: “Cheaper than Botox.”
Oh heyy here I am getting ready to go outside in -25°C temperatures. Bangs look fab, though!
I’m a realist; it’s the middle of February, and I have no doubt that by the middle of oh, say April or May, I’ll likely abandon my fringed look for my classic clean cut. Until then, however, I’m having fun playing with my new ‘do.
And now, as my husband says, “That’s enough of your face.” (He hasn’t quite accepted my selfie ways.) But a girl’s gotta show off her new hairstyle!
Is it time for a change? Have you recently switched up your look?
i need to change my scraggly hair. your bangs look great
LOVE your bangs Lena!! I need a change.. never put color in my hair or never had bangs.. just need something new to spice up my look.
I really like your new bangs. I’m not sure I could pull them off, but I love Tinny from Republic of Doyle’s side bang fringe thing and I really want to try it.
the bangs look bangin! ;)
you can totally pull it off Lena
Looking beautiful, as always. The bangs are a nice change.
That style looks great on you!
You look really different with bangs. But I love it! You pull it off awesomely.
nope, i’ve had the same look forever! the bangs look great on you. “…they also say: “Cheaper than Botox.” – lol!
never been brave enough for bangs
I love the look!
You wear bangs very good, beautiful as always!!
Looks awesome. I wish I knew what would look good on me. I seem to stay with the regular cuts.
LOVE the bangs. I want to try bangs but have not had them since I was a kid. Scared I will hate them.
My hairdresser was off one day and her highly recommended replacement asked me what I wanted done. I said anything goes except no bangs. Of course, I got bangs and I cried and cried when I went home as they drove me crazy. You, on the other hand, look absolutely fabulous!
Lena I love your hair!! I’m so jealous of those bangs, we won’t even compare…
The bangs definitely look great!
Beautiful Lady , love the bangs and the color of your hair looks awesome :)
I just recently cut all my hair off..pixie cut..and I absolutely love it!! So easy it suits me much better than long hair..should have done this years ago
You look gorgeous with bangs Lena! Suits your beautiful face and I love the colour of your hair.
I like your bangs. It suits your face. I have changed my hairstyle a time or two. I have never gone for bangs though.
Love your bangs! I am now deciding that I want my bangs back. This made me realize I hadn’t had them in a while and miss them too.
I think the bangs look great
Looking good Lena!
Beautiful! It gives you a whole new look.
Looks lovely!
Yup, I changed to bangs about a year ago (to cover up forehead wrinkles) and I love them. I hate the fact that I have to get them trimmed often, but I do not regret them..they’re fun! You look gorgeous with or without bangs! I love your colour too!
I love the bangs Lena but totally get what you mean about humidity and its not pretty as i have been there too!
You can seriously rock any haircut and any hair colour! Gorgeous.
I’d love to try that but in reality I get my hair cut every six months. But, I do like mixing it up. Bangs look great on you.
Lena, with this new bang fringe look, may I call you J-Lena, because you remind me of J-Lo now I can’t get it out of my head!! You go girl, show us how its done!! :) xo
Your bangs look great on you and I totally agree a lot cheaper than botox. I have worn bangs for years as I find they bring attention to the eyes plus hide whatever sins are on my forehead(occasional pimple).
Love your bangs Lena,you have beautiful bold eyes
Bangs look great on you!.. Wish I was brave enough to cut my hair lol. I’ve wanted bangs for so long but I’m afraid it wont suit me. My hairs straight & waist length such a bore.
The bangs look great! I know what you mean about getting them now instead of in humid weather. I had bangs in the summer a few years ago and they were such a pain.
They look great! When your beautiful you can pull off anything!
You look even more stunning with bangs. I don’t have the cheekbones to pull off the bangs look… unlike what the hairdresser claimed many years ago.
You look stunning as usual! Great change!
Great haircut! I love the bangs!
next stop: the pixie cut!
Nice haircut Bangs look great
I like the look. Yes, I like to make changes every year or so.
Love the new look and your right I never thought of it but bangs are cheaper than botox.
Bangs look great on you! I would love to try them but with my wavy hair I’m sure it would be a constant struggle to tame them. :(
I think the bangs look great,you look fantastic as always !!
With my hair almost waist lenght i went chop to just below the ears sometimes we just need a fresh youe !
I love the bangs but I’ve always had them. I tried to grow them out but I couldn’t stand them in my eyes but again you look great !
Long,short,bang,no bang either way you always look fantastic !