Hello, readers! It’s been a while, huh?
Truth is, I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with my recent move. We are now inhabitants of a new city, the boys have started a new school and the bills are piling up – yes, moving is expensive.
Of course, being the savvy saver that I am, I knew we’d need to budget accordingly. I set about finding ways to save money while we were still in the old home, and that included trying to determine if I could save money on insurance. A quick search led me to InsuranceHotline.com, where I discovered I could get a quote – and, most importantly, compare insurance quotes – in three easy steps! There was no obligation to buy and the information was accurate and unbiased. Such a win!
Here’s the scoop: there are many ways to save on your insurance premiums, but none are more effective than shopping around. And I know you may be thinking, ugh, SUCH a process! It’s not, friends. Forget about waiting on the phone in call centre queues or dodging aggressive sales professionals. You can grab a quote online in minutes when it’s convenient for you, so there’s no excuse to not shop around to see if you can save some money! With auto insurance, for example, InsuranceHotline.com shoppers saved $450 on average in 2017 after comparing car insurance quotes. What could you do with $450?
The process led me to 1) reaffirm that I was indeed with an insurance company offering me the best home and auto insurance rates, and 2) collaborate with InsuranceHotline.com and their Insurance Expert Anne Marie Thomas on a recent Facebook Live! Be sure to watch below if you missed it – you’ll see some of the most common insurance myths debunked and some really useful tips and tricks for finding the best rates.
1) There are rules around renovations and insurance that are more complex than you’ve imagined. In fact, the process of alerting your insurance company begins the moment you think about making changes to your home! Watch at the 11:25 minute mark for more information.
2) The “loyalty” discount. It’s no surprise that many insurance companies promote a loyalty discount, multi-product rebate or disappearing deductible to lure customers into staying with them year after year. So is it still in your best interest to shop around? Watch at the 22:30 minute mark for more information.
3) Do you love to cross the border to shop? You may want to take out a travel insurance policy! Most people think of travel insurance when they book an all-inclusive vacation or flight. But what happens if you slip and fall in Target during one of your quick weekend shopping trips to the US? Or worse? Even when you only leave the country for hours, you’re still classified as a “traveller”. Watch at the 29:00 minute mark for more information.
I’m so grateful that I had a chance to participate in the #AskAnneMarie Facebook Live – there was a ton of valuable information shared and from reading the viewer comments, it looks like they had a few “Ah-ha!” moments too!
Ready to save money on your home, auto and/or travel insurance? All it takes is a few minutes to compare quotes from InsuranceHotline.com‘s network of over 30 insurers. Remember, there’s no catch or fine print; the service is absolutely free for you to use. Your details are secure and your details/personal information will never be shared without your consent. The only thing you have to lose? Those expensive insurance premiums!
Special thanks to Anne Marie Thomas for flawlessly answering all the questions on last week’s Facebook Live. Ready to see if you can save money on insurance? Visit InsuranceHotline.com.
This post is sponsored by InsuranceHotline.com. The opinions on this blog, as always, are my own.
Informative post. Thank you.
Well, this was helpful! We didn’t alert our insurance company of our renovations. Big whoops! But now I know! Thanks for the info!
I like to bundle my home and auto insurance.
I’m a shopper for most things but not when it comes to insurance but after reading this, you have motivated me to shop for my insurance! Very helpful…thank you!
There is a lot of stuff that your broker won’t tell ya, I have gotten discounts just for calling and telling him what we have done, and it’s great to shop around when your getting close to renew!
This is a great post! I am coming up on renewing my insurance and wanting to add and change a couple new policies, very informative! Thank you.
Thanks for this – I am interested in learning more about insurance, so this is perfect.
Thank you for this post! very informative <3
Thankyou i didnt know anything about it till now. My husband deals such things and i felt quite ignorant:)
Just thinking about insurance can give me a headache but that was a very informative Q&A video!
These are great tips.
Everyone needs insurance, helpful post
Great information and tips , thanks for sharing ,
Thats so informative and well described.
$450 is a lot of money. I’d love to save as much as I can especially on insurance.
Insurance is always so much money but we would all like to save money
important and very helpful insurance information, so informative! thank you!
Important information people need to hear concerning Insurance.