They’re competitive and loud and rarely respond unless I scream. They’re argumentative and ornery and way too sensitive about the silliest things (He’s looking at me, mom! He’s LOOKING at me!). They push my buttons, push for a later bedtime and always push each other.
Yet, they’re the heart of my home. They breathe so much life, excitement and vigor into my day. And when I catch them sitting together – because they just can’t stand to be apart – I remember that beyond the spats and bickering, they truly are the very best of friends. I am truly blessed to share every second of my day with them.
There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and of all the ones we’re awake, the best ones are spent at home.
How do you make #EverySecond at home count? Share a clip of your favourite home moment for a chance to be part of IKEA’s first ever commercial made by YOU. Upload a 10-15 second video to get started – just remember to shoot horizontally (side ways) for best results. You can submit a moment at from your mobile device or desktop computer and also via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #EverySecond.
Remember, the video should showcase everyday life at home. It doesn’t have to be sensational or scripted! Post an ordinary, everyday at-home video moment using the hashtag #EverySecond. Something simple, and small – like filling a bubble bath, cozying up in bed, or waking up to a fresh pot of coffee. Share the moments that define your day… or the moments that make your day.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll be co-stars in IKEA’s next commercial. Submit your video today!
I think Ikea has a great idea, it would be cool to see how everyone makes the most of their time. Your boys are adorable Lena :)
Ikea is right we do need to make the most of our time! Life goes by way too quick not too!
I don’t want to make a movie, but I love the closeness they share. I have three little right now and they love each other. They play together ALL the time, and just like hanging out together.
They truly are adorable. I’m lucky to be very close to both my siblings…even though they don’t get along ever. lol
My kids are exactly like your boys and I wouldn’t change it for the world! Simple moments are.without a doubt the best!
Yes treasure every moment & hope they are making wonderful memories
Nice idea
Somedayy you will look back at those amazing wonderful memories and wonder where the years went !
I wish I would have made movies as my boys grew up, and you are such a loving mom to see such wonderful things in the everyday life of your boys. Enjoy, they grow too darn fast.
P.S. Make lots of videos…
You are so right,value and appreciate every single giggle,tear,mom?momm? MoMMM?…what you doing in there? MOMENT,because its gone in the blink of an eye! Having video memories will be a gift for you and your kids later on. I treasure the few choppy color super 8s my dad had taken of my older sister and I as toddlers. I still wish I had a video camera when my oldest girls were that age.At least I have photos of everyone and video of my younger kiddos. They fought like your boys,don’t look at me! and the next minute all cuddled up under the blankets watching their movie and laughing. kids! Keep up the good work Lena!
Such a cute idea! I try really hard to balance work and kids! I become aware every day just how much every second counts, they truly grow up too fast
Ikea is totally right about making every second count, especially with kids. It should be a touching commercial!
It really helps to be reminded that #EverySecond counts. It honestly does and I think we all know that but often we forget and need that little reminder! :)
They grow so fast. Not babies anymore.
I can’t wait to see the commercial that IKEA comes out with from all of the submissions.
Such a great idea to make videos. Life does pass by quickly.
Just on the weekend we watched the videos of when our kids were young omg(laughed our bellies sore) where does the time go my grandkids are hitting tweens…
Brothers! Complicated relationships that’s for sure! Nobody makes each other madder but best friends is the truth!
All you have is right now, you can’t go back and change anything later and you don’t know what’s coming tomorrow. Live in the ‘right now’.
Time goes by so quickly
It’s a little frightening to think how fast the time flies by.We have to make our time together count.
time really does go by so fast!
Things they do now will make them laugh many years from now
Now that we have our grandson living with us, we are certainly seizing every moment! Thanks
I have never been inside an Ikea store in Canada we live too far away
Lol I feel the same way!! My kids are getting okder and starting to leave home and I miss the chaos!
Can you believe I’ve never been to IKEA, I know right but you see IKEA is about an hour or so away and up till now I’ve made do with what I have. But no more, I need a storage cabinet and so I’m making that hour drive next week. My fear is I’ll get hooked and I’ll have to make that drive all the time.
Every second does count- time flies!!
Brotherly love!
I find the older you get the faster the days go by.It’s nice when brothers can spend quality time together reading.
I can definitely relate to this video. Love spending time with my family, cherishing every moment ❤️