They’re a part of your child’s life for a very long time. Sure – they’ll outgrow their cribs, high chairs and strollers – and mercifully, you’ll be able to say goodbye to diapers after a couple of years too. But from infant car seat to combination to booster seat, your child’s road safety for many years is dependent on a quality, correctly installed car seat.
Did you know it’s Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week?
While we are always mindful of our child(ren)’s safety, it’s important to stay abreast of any recent changes or updates to laws (and best practices) surrounding car seat and booster use. That’s why The Canadian Mother Resource is hosting their 2nd annual #CMRCarSeatSafety Twitter Party this Wednesday, September 16th at 9:00pm EDT. Have a child or one on the way? Don’t miss it!
Join @mapsgirl, the CMR’s Car Seat Expert tomorrow night at 9pm EDT. We’ll share car seat safety tips and answer your most frequent questions surrounding purchase and installation. Of course, to thank you for joining, we’ll be giving away over $800 in prizes, including 2 convertible car seats (valued at approx. $300 each) as well as 2 $100 Visa gift cards.
RSVP below for a chance to win, and we’ll see you on Wednesday night!
*Please be sure to enter your Twitter Handle “@yourTwitterhandle” in the Link/Blog Title field, and your Twitter URL “” in the Link Field*
Even if you are 100% confident that you have installed your car seat right, it is always a good idea to have your fit checked out by a certified specialist.
I couldn’t agree more, Heidi!
it’s important to get yourself educated when it comes to infant seats