Note: The following giveaway is open to Canadians only.
It was December 2005. I had spent the night – for the very first time, eek! – at my then-boyfriend’s place. In was an airy loft, with wall-to-wall windows and a homey setting that was unfamiliar and welcoming at the same time. In typical Lena fashion, I found myself wide awake at 6:00am. Next to me, my boyfriend slept soundly, no doubt enjoying a well-deserved Sunday morning sleep-in.
I tossed and turned. What time does he wake up? I wondered.
If it was say, 7:00am, I could deal. A quick bathroom break and a swish of mouthwash, and I could wait it out. But what if he was more like a 9:00am waker upper? Or – gasp – a nooner?
I mentally counted forward from our bedtime of 12:30am. 6 hours… 7 hours… surely I could bet he’d be awake in about an hour or two at the most…
8:15am. Still asleep.
8:56am. Oh! He scratched his cheek! And then turned over and resumed snoring.
9:32am. This. is. torture.
Inspiration struck. I could make coffee! I mean, who doesn’t wake up when the aroma of fresh coffee permeates the air, right? I tiptoed down the stairs (two-floor loft by the lake, ladies – yeah, there was a reason I reeled that fish in) and realized almost immediately that there was one flaw in my master plan: I had no idea how to make coffee.
So sue me! We had those K-Cup coffee things at the office, and my parents are tea drinkers, so I didn’t grow up with a coffee brewer. I considered the contraption on his countertop (which, looking back, was a very basic model compared to the rocket-science renderings today) and wondered if I could work it out based purely on a physical assessment.
1. Water reservoir: Easy enough. Just fill to the “fill line” indicator for 12 cups. Better safe than sorry!
2. Filter: Also, a piece of cake – except it took me 20 minutes to find them. WHO stores filters with their spices? Oh yeah, bachelor here.
3. Coffee grounds reservoir: Add 10 scoopfuls – that should be enough, right? Okay, add more. Going on the assumption that strong coffee is better than weak coffee. Press start.
Fortunately for me, my boyfriend did awaken to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. And as he entered the kitchen, with sleepy eyes and tousled hair, I felt the aura of a domestic goddess surround me. Until I noticed that he was staring pointedly at the coffee maker.
“Um, are we expecting company? How much coffee are you brewing there?”
Suddenly, 12 cups seemed a tad much for two people. I ignored him as I opened the fridge, only to find out he was out of milk.
“I usually grab a Starbucks on the way to work,” he said by way of apology. “Sorry. And I think I’m out of sugar too.”
The result: 12 cups of the strongest, most lethal coffee known to mankind. I swear it almost corroded our drain as I dumped it in the sink. My face flaming, I concentrated on the fact that the means justified the end: HE WAS AWAKE.
That was almost 10 years ago. And for 10 years, that same boyfriend (now husband) has been making me coffee every single day. See? There’s a silver lining to my gross incompetence! I’ve been exonerated from coffee-making duties for life. High five!
This morning, my coffee was brewed by the Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Programmable Single-Serve Coffeemaker with Hot Water Dispenser. It’s a mouthful, I know! But seeing that it has the ability to replace THREE of the small appliances currently on my countertop, you’ll want to see why it’s my husband’s favourite new gizmo.
Whether you are getting breakfast ready for the kids or fixing a quick cup for yourself, the Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Programmable Single-Serve Coffee Maker with Hot Water Dispenser simplifies your morning.
Place a single serve pack in the holder, close the lid, and brew. Or, brew ground coffee the traditional way. Or, obtain hot water with one hand dispensing. It does it all! The coffeemaker is easy to program up to 24 hours in advance, and it also boils and dispenses hot water for hot cocoa, oatmeal, or instant cereals. (The water stays hot for 30 minutes, so it’s ready when you are.)
Wake up to your favorite beverage. Fill the coffeemaker with water and your favorite coffee the night before and program for a hot cup right as you wake up, or have water ready for hot cereal when the kids sit down for breakfast. You can program both coffee or hot water options, and if you hit the snooze button, the hot water feature keeps water above 176°F for 30 minutes.
Choose your brew strength. This coffeemaker offers the choice of regular or bold brewing strengths. If you typically purchase coffee described as bright, breakfast blend, or mildly flavoured and are not fond of espresso, your taste buds will be more at home with the regular setting. If, on the other hand, you are drawn to dark roast coffee beans at the store and look for coffee adjectives such as bold, deep, or rich, choose the bold brew setting.
Brewing with a single-serve pack. Insert a single-portion pack into the coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in no time. The FlexBrew Programmable Single-Serve Coffeemaker with Hot Water Dispenser allows quick brewing in less time than an in-store experience. Simply insert the single-serve pack and press it into the tray and that’s it. Brew up to 10 ounces.
Brewing with ground coffee. Pre-packaged coffee isn’t for everyone. You can grind your own coffee beans to the medium-grind setting or save time and purchase pre-ground coffee. The permanent filter means no extra filters or adapters to buy. An adjustable cup rest lets you brew into a travel cup if you are on-the-go or a traditional mug to enjoy your coffee at home. Single-serve means you can brew a fresh cup whenever you like. Using ground coffee you can brew up to 14 ounces.
Extra convenience with multiple options. Not a coffee drinker or prefer other varieties of hot beverages? The FlexBrew Programmable Single-Serve Coffeemaker with Hot Water Dispenser allows for a variety of single-serve teas and even hot chocolate. Use the hot water dispenser for beverages or food. Prepare oatmeal in the morning, instant soup at lunch, or a cup of tea in the evening. One-hand dispensing makes it easy to fill a cup or bowl.
The best part? This 3-in-1 machine retails for about $130, which is less than the cost of most single-serve coffee makers! True flexibility for the entire family. Click here to purchase online or find a retailer near you.
Love what you see? One lucky reader will WIN a Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Programmable Single-Serve Coffeemaker with Hot Water Dispenser! Simply fill the form below with your qualifying entries. Good luck everyone!
Depends on my mood. Drink coffee mostly in the morning. Tea in the afternoon. Hot chocolate on cold days.
I definitely need my coffee! I walk right down the stairs to the kitchen to make it every morning. I can’t start my day without it.
Coffee is my favourite hot beverage.
Favourite is green tea for every day but a good cup of coffee early in the morning at the coffee to watch the mist rise off the lake.
I LOVE coffee! Favourite hot beverage of all time
My favourite is Dark Roast coffee, but i do love Green tea also.
Mmmmmm coffee!
Im definitely driven by routine. In the mornings its a must have for coffee. By afternoon it can be Sodas and by evenings a little cooler even with Chocolate Chills or Oreo Smoothies or Mocha Frappes
Love my Dark Roast in the morning
coffee. and hot chocolate.
I love my coffee in the morning!@=
This would be great, I like the hot water feature
I love dark roast coffee, thanks for the chance to win Lena
I love my coffee, especially first thing in the morning and everynight when my hubby gets home!!
I have to say that I absolutely LOVE my coffee!!!
I can’t start my day without a couple of cups of coffee first and the rest of the day, I switch to tea, LOVE them both.
I’m a candy cane hot chocolate lover – all year long!
Although I do like a good mocha latte too :)
Irish cream coffee for me! :) YUM!
Love coffee and drink it all day
I love vanilla chai tea!
My favourite hot drink is black coffee
Definitely coffee!
Need coffee now :)
I’m a coffee girl, but I like tea too. And I have only a little counter space. All it needs is a toaster attached and I can get ride of everything else. :P
I like mocha…I need a little chocolate in my coffee!
Right now I’m on a tea kick!
Love drinking my teas.
Coffee is my Fave , gotta love it and it keeps me sane lol, thanks for the chance :)
I love hot chocolate the most!
I love a cup of coffee in the morn and usually drink water for the rest of the day but I will have a cup of herbal tea midday or after dinner, and I love hot chocolate, on those cold wintery days, a ‘warm my bones’ kinda day, so I guess all would be my favourite beverages. I love your story too btw, gave me my morning smile over my coffee, thank you.
Definitely coffee
I need my morning tea to wake me up but I also enjoy coffee anytime of the day.
Mine would be coffee.
I love coffee.
Coffee these days is my best drink.
It would have to be coffee on the weekdays and tea on the weekend.
Coffee is not only my favorite; it is my must have! My grandchildren call it my ‘cup of be-nice’!
I love drinking Teas. Thanks for this chance to win!
Coffee for sure! I drink about 3-4 cups a day!
Like a good cup of tea
We love hot chocolate.
Coffee is my favourite hot beverage.
Love tea. Especially Steeped Teas.
My favourite hot beverage is tea, especially Earl Grey tea!
Coffee, coffee and a tea in the evening.
I am a tea drinker!
hot chocolate with an espresso shot
Coffee is my absolute favorite but there is nothing like a hot chocolate with marshmallows on a cold Canadian winter day.
Nothing beats my first cup of coffee in the morning. By afternoon I am switched over to tea.
I like all three :) coffee during the day, tea at night before bed and hot chocolate in the winter when its cold out :) Coffee would be my favourite though :)
No matter how much I’ve tried I can not make a good cup of coffee at home. God knows I’ve tried! I’ve bought many different kinds of machines in the past and now they all sit in a box in my basement and I’ve accepted my situation. Now I just make sure to budget properly for a Tim Hortons stop everyday. It’s more expensive and it sucks to have to get dressed and leave the house just to get my necessary fix so I’d be very impressed if this machine could replace my annoying routine! If I win I’ll be sure to let you know how it turns out, at least I’d know for sure if the fault is mine or the machine. Thanks!
I love coffee, always coffee Double Doubles :D
I prefer Hot Chocolate or Tea
I love a good cuppa tea, byt hubby is the true coffee addict!
Big time tea drinker
What a great prize!!! I love coffee in the morning, and a hot chocolate at night before bed.
Good luck everyone!!
All of the above!I think tea comes out on top for me, then coffee then hot chocolate and pairing any of the three together is excellent too!
My favorite is coffee! thanks!
Decaf coffee for me.
Coffee is my choice for hot drink.
Hot chocolate is awesome.
Coffee and tea…I can’t choose which one love more :)
Sounds delicious, I can smell the brew already!
I love a dark roast coffee
Coffee coffee coffee!!
I enjoy tea!
We love coffee any time of day!
coffee tops the list of those three drinks
I love them all but Coffee comes first :)
I love hot chocolate!! :)
Coffee is my favorite hot beverage but I would never turn down tea or hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate is my favorite
Tea is my preferred beverage
Coffee always coffee :D but I do enjoy tea and Hot chocolate after a really cold day
Half coffee, half hot chocolate, 2sugar, shot of espresso and 1cream.
I’m a coffee addict :)
I love my coffee!
Hot chocolate is my guilty pleasure
My favourite hot beverage is hot chocolate, the darker the chocolate the better.
Hot Chocolate
Definitely coffee, the darker the roast, the better.
I love my coffee and my son and husband love hot chocolate – so this is amazing
totally a coffee addict and dont want to change!
Hot Chocolate is my favourite hot drink and especially if it is flavoured and topped with whipping cream.
I drink tea throughout the day. Green tea is my fav!
dark roast coffee with 2 milk
I love my tea and my hubby is a big coffee lover.
I love to make a good strong cup of coffee and add some fabulous flavored cream to it.That’s my special treat for the day.
hot chocolate! (:
My favorite is coffee but sometimes I like to add a little hot chocolate to it
Coffee and hot choc!
I love coffee.
I love hot chocolate.
Definitely coffee!!
I like coffee
morning means coffee. thanks
I love hot chocolate but in the mornings I prefer a nice coffee.
i love a mix of coffee and hot chocolate, depends on the day!
I love coffee! Can’t miss my morning cup!!
I love coffee!!
Coffee – black and strong.
Coffee! Preferably a latte, but otherwise with a splash of milk and some raw sugar, please! :)
I love coffee :)
Coffee is my favorite
definitely coffee is my favourite hot beverage!
I prefer coffee, but love all 3!
Coffee is my favourite
i like coffee the best!
I would say coffee.
I love my coffee the most but also enjoy a cup of tea or hot chocolate!
Coffee is my favourite hot drink
Everyday must start with coffee!
My favourite hot beverage is hot chocolate.
I have to have tea in the morning, after that coffee.
I prefer coffee
My favourite is coffee!!!
My favourite is coffee
I love my coffee
coffee and tea :)
Mine is a mocha coffee.
I love coffee.
Most definitely coffee! I’m a total feen.
I like tea and coffee the same.
i prefer a mocha, but coffee is my main
I like tea.
I like Dark Roast coffee! This would be amazing, thanks for the chance!!
I have to admit, it’s hot chocolate!
Coffee is the fuel that drives us every morning ☺
Tea is my favorite.
We drink coffee every day.
Coffee!!! I cannot start my day without it!
Love a nice strong black coffee.
Coffee is my favorite
cofee for sure cant live without it
Hot Chocolate
Coffee, in the morning and Tea in the evening
Definitely coffee !
Great story Lena! My favourite beverage is 100 percent – coffee!!
My favourite beverage is dark roast coffee.
Coffee is my favourite beverage.
Coffee is definitely my favorite beverage!
my go-to hot beverage is tea, but about 3x a week I have a nice hot cuppa coffee :)
This unit is a coffee lovers dream!
I love hot chocolate!
I love both hot chocolate and tea!!
Most definitely coffee….specifically mom’s coffee blend! Absolutely perfect!
coffee for sure
Tea is my number 1 drink of choice.
I love Coffee, all kinds!!!
Love them all, but coffee in the morning and a half cup at night with one small favorite chocolate!
Tea gal but we brew it in our coffee maker ( I like a lot of tea and strong)
Tea is my main drink but I do enjoy a good cup of coffee
Coffee :)
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon, but coffee is my favourite.
coffee, definitely.
I am a coffee lover.
My favorite is coffee with double cream.
Great looking coffee maker.
j’aime boire mon café le matin!!! merci !!
Definitely coffee
Coffee is what I wake for each morning!
This looks awesome!
cannot start my day without coffee…for that fact i drink it all day lol
Ain’t no doubt about it…coffee all the way
My favorite hot beverage is tea! I love Chai, Earl Grey, Hazelnut, Black Licorice, Chamomile and many more.
I am definitely a “tea granny” We always have several types of tea in the cupboard, and I always have a cup in hand!
I LOVE coffee !! Hot or Cold !! I’ll take it anyway anytime !! Mmm Mmm Mmm !!
I like vanilla flavoured coffee
I love coffee! Tea is a close second though.
I love coffee flavoured with International Delight French Vanilla. Mmmmmmmm….
Coffee is the favourite, but I like the occasional hot chocolate and various herbal teas.
I am a straight coffee person, nothing but black for me.
I am a coffee addict :)
Coffee, I need my coffee :)
I love coffee in the morning, hot chocolate through out the day, and tea at night!
I have coffee in the morning and during the day tea or hot chocolate depending on my mood.
I enjoy a hot coffee in the morning. It’s a reward.
Love my coffee in the morning and in the afternoon
Coffee is my addiction so, anytime is Coffee Time
tea is my morning wake me up, hot chocolate is our winter fav on a snowy day
i really like single serve with tea option, I drink decaf, my husband drink regular and my teens in the winter enjoy a tea to start the day, this would fill all our needs with one easy machine love it
Coffee Coffee Coffee……….. LOVE it
I like them all! Coffee in the morning, a nice warm tea on a chilly afternoon or evening, and a hot chocolate to enjoy with my daughter :)
coffee for me
I’m a coffee drinker but others in the family like tea and hot chocolate so this would be awesome.
Coffee is my favourite
Definitely coffee for me :)
I drink both tea and coffee. I grab a fresh coffee in the morning on my way to work, and drink tea throughout the rest of the day.
Coffee is my favourite hot beverage
I love my tea. I cannot go without my tea.
I love tea and we always have coffee going for my husband.
I love team all day
Espresso based beverages in the morning tea in the afternoons and love chocolate too
I like decaf.
Love my coffee !
Coffee with 1/3 hot chocolate is my favorite
My favourite hot beverage is Tea
TEA!! Love the stuff
Hot Chocolate is my fav hot beverage!
Coffee for me!
My favourite hot beverage is green tea
I drink coffee in the morning and decaf tea in the evening… Yummm
Love my morning coffee
Coffee is my favourite!
Hot Chocolate is my fave :)
Tea in the afternoon, Hot Chocolate on cold nights and coffee all the other times!
I’m a coffee drinker.
I love coffee!
My favourite beverage is coffee, all day long.
Definately coffee !
Can’t live without coffee!
Need my coffee and love it as a treat all done up maybe even with a shot (or 2) of something extra yummy too.
Coffee is my fave but do enjoy a hot chocolate here and there especially during the cold winter months.
Coffee is my fave but do enjoy hot chocolate from time to time during those cold winter months.
Vanilla or hazelnut coffee. :)
My favorite hot beverage is tea. I drink it daily.
i like hot chocolate. my hubby likes coffee
Hot chocolate
Coffee, green tea, hot chocolate
I very seldom drink coffee but my wife loves coffee and tea.
Lately my thing has been tea. Most people around me are more into coffee.
Love a coffee every morning
Tea for Me.
I am a coffee drinker
I love coffee but I will drink coffee, tea or hot chocolate -it depends on the day and what time of day.
If it’s winter I enjoy hot chocolate, for work I have to drink coffee lol.
I love coffee!!!
Coffee, hot chocolate
Great appliance to have. I love my morning coffee.
My favorite hot beverage is hot chocolate but I’ll drink tea too