Last night I came across a piece of history – a relic, if you will – a jar of glitter gel from the ol’ clubbing days. It was the cheap kind that I’m fairly certain I scooped up from the “4 for $5.00” tray at Claire’s. My BFF and I would liberally spread the grape-scented glitter on our cheeks, clavicles and arms in an attempt to sparkle under the club’s strobe lights.
(It wasn’t hard. Trust me, we showed A LOT of skin.)
The once shimmery gel has since hardened into a gluey, funky-smelling substance – although the jar doesn’t explicitly list an expiry date, I’m thinking they didn’t have 14 years crammed into an old makeup bag in mind. But it’s not so much the ancient artifact that has me nostalgic; rather, it’s the memories of what Fridays used to be like.
Hushed conversations on the phone at work.
Deciding what to wear; discussing in detail the case for black pants vs. little black dress.
Wondering if I had enough time to re-paint my toe nails.
Popping in a house music CD to get the blood pumping and my head bobbing.
Looping giant velcro rollers into my hair.
Doing sit-ups on the bedroom floor at 8:00pm.
Calling for last minute wardrobe checks.*
*This one makes me long for the days of yore more than anything else; it was the knowledge that I knew every single article of clothing in a friend’s wardrobe. If she said, “I’m wearing my orange tank top which make my boobs look great”, I instantly knew the tank top she was referring to. Because we hung out in casual clothes, went clubbing in dressy clothes and spent copious amounts of time shopping together; hence, all new purchases were mentally categorized as well. Today, not knowing what a friend will wear means that we don’t spend nearly enough time together. Le sigh.
Speaking of today, this is what my Friday looks like.
Checking online grocery flyers, looking for cheese on sale.
Sorting laundry into darks, lights and towels.
Wondering where to take the kids this weekend – animal farm or indoor playground?
Pulling on yet another pair of yoga pants. I don’t do yoga.
Making a mental note to gather all my tax info.
Nagging my husband to clean out the garage tomorrow.
Chatting with my BFF and asking what she’s up to for the weekend, but not really hearing her.
Sheesh. Perhaps I’ll run out and grab a new jar of glitter. What’s sexier than a sparkly mama pulling tots in a wagon?
My favourite throwback to the good ol’ days: Waiting for Tonight by Jennifer Lopez. Should I be pissed that she’s still living the same life as 1999? Um… probably not.
Sigh. I fondly remember those jars of glitter. And those conversations and plans. And my skinny body that would dance the night away. For me and my bestie it was ICQ chats at work to plan our nights ;)
But there’s a different joy in the mundane weekends of today :)
ICQ chats! OMG, you are definitely bringing it back old school! Love it :)
bahaha…as soon as i saw that pic of the infamous glitter gel i thought “oh good god”…i think i still have a little pot left over too, god knows how with the way we used to use it! such good memories though…love u.
This post was written for us. Love you too xx
Ah, nostalgia. I love coming across those little things that just pull your mind into a great part of your past.
Indeed… nostalgia :)
I so hear you. I didn’t do the club scene, but I miss being able to hang out with my friends, and I really miss talking to my best friend more often.
I think that’s what has me aching for the past more than anything – the connection to girlfriends.
Oh I know exactly what you mean! Next Friday we’ll be hanging out in our old circles for a friend’s birthday dinner – except I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant and we have our little one at home. Haha! Gone are the good old days….
Haha! Yup, exactly. And good luck with the final leg of your pregnancy! Health and happiness to you :)
How is that song from 1999? I swear it couldn’t be from more than 5 years ago…it hasn’t been that long since I went clubbing. Has it….?
PS – my Friday night will now consist of cleaning out all glitter from my make-up bag.
YES! It has. Just searched the release date and multiple sources say November 16, 1999… we are THAT old, LOL!
Good luck with you Friday night cleaning! xo
great post lovely, I needed more friends like you back then, life would have been more fun- and sparkly!
Ha ha ha, it’s never to late! I’ll be sure to bring a few pots to the next conference :)
god i miss glitter powder on the clavicles!
I know! It was SUCH a necessary accessory back then :)