File this under: I can’t believe I’m writing this and you probably won’t believe me anyways.
But what the hey, here goes.
I have a touch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I say “a touch” because for the most part, my obsessions (anxiety) and compulsions (rituals) don’t interfere with my daily activities or hinder my life in a significant way. Yes, I believe in “safe” numbers and have been known to scrub my hands a little too often… with a little too much soap. However, if I had to sum it up in 10 words or less, I’d say I’m a quasi-germophobe with low levels of paranoia and repetition.
And here’s a fact that likely borders on too much information but you’ll understand the relevancy later: I have NEVER used a public restroom for #2.
Noooo way. No way no way no way. My OCD will just not allow it, dammit.
Before you think, “Really? Never? How is that possible?” You should know that I’m the most regular person on the planet, and when I’m not, let’s just say I can hold it. Because there’s absolutely freakin’ way I’d ever linger on public toilet for longer than say… 12 seconds or so.
Okay, enough about me. Just call me the tree.
Time for another fact. Ready for this? Deep breath.
I have NEVER changed a diaper in public. Never. I don’t even know why I own a diaper bag. It’s all for show. I’m a fraud. I have no idea what a Koala change station looks like. I don’t want to know.
Which brings me to my two apples, Ryder and Reid. They have never pooped in public, either. Ryder, at almost 4 years old, has never troubled me to change a stinky diaper unless it’s in the comfort of our home, and now that he’s toilet trained, won’t even think about using a public restroom. Reid, at almost two, has followed in his big brother’s footsteps – not once soiling his little diaper in the public eye. Most people would say I’m extremely fortunate, but I’m extremely worried… Could Ryder and Reid have inherited my OCD?
Now please don’t go thinking that I somehow pushed my own germaphobic tendencies on my boys. Babies do exactly three things: eat, sleep and poop. And if I could somehow wave a magic wand and train babies to only poop when it’s convenient for parents, I’d be the Jedi Master of diaper changes. And yet, my boys do exactly that.
Therefore I can only assume that since it’s not a trained behaviour, it’s an inherited one. Does Ryder think public restrooms are gross? Does Reid realize the social faux pas of popping your pants among strangers? Do they have an aversion to germs and germ-infested environments? It’s just SO WEIRD.
I would love if someone could please shed light on this little situation I call The Apple, The Tree and The OCD.
Bwahaha, I’m sorry but I find this hilarious. I only wish I could get my kids to poop only at home. My oldest daughter delighted in not only pooping in public she regularly had full blow outs up to her hairline and I suffer from germophobia when out and do my best not to touch anything. Hand sanitizers and soap are my best friends. So I don’t think it’s a genetic thing.
I’d say count it as a bonus.
“she regularly had full blow outs up to her hairline” – literally fell off my chair laughing at this, Julia. Absolutely hilarious!!!
I don’t really have any words of advice for you but I am sending a hug (and chuckle) your way!
Thanks Jenny! Ha ha ha it’s okay to laugh!
I think it’s learned behavior. I don’t think you’re OCD, either. :-) I think the boys just picked up on your behavior, and maybe you’ve been lucky with the diaper situation. I, on the other hand, have changed many diapers in public places, including once on the floor of a restaurant bathroom because the stupid place didn’t have a changing station and my girl was el-nasty-ola (don’t worry, I laid down a tarp, ha ha). But I don’t think I’ve ever gone number 2 myself, maybe once, but I can’t remember. That’s pretty funny that you could probably go out without a diaper bag, although the one time you do don’t you know you’ll need it? :-) I also read something somewhere (don’t know if it’s true or not) that said an office desk has a gajillion more germs than a public toilet. I think the little thing then said something about eating lunch at work on the toilet rather than at your desk, but that’s irrelevant.
Ew. Okay you just completely grossed me out with the whole “eat lunch on a toilet” thing. And yes, the diaper bag is more of a security thing, though I think I still have size 1 diapers in there because I haven’t actually opened the change compartment :)
L.M.A.O. All I have to say is that poor Mike is going to have to work a lot of overtime to pay for therapy for the three of you. Haha…
Ha! I should show him your comment, bet he never thought about that :)
ok, i’m relieved because the thought of having to wait in line at a public bathroom to change a baby has always felt exceptionally heinous to me. we’ve had to use them for pees but never poops but still, it grosses me out! how do you get out to malls though without changing a diaper? i think our son is a shy pooper like your boys too but his diaper will still look like he just came out of the pool if we don’t change him while we’re out. i’d love to know your secret. =)
My secret is to only be at the mall for 2-3 hours at a time :) Reid usually gives us a good 4 hours between wet changes.
I’ve kind of had the opposite experience – I used to be extremely germaphobic…was very picky about which public restrooms I used – and would not go if I could help it.
Since I’ve had kids – I’ve gotten over a lot of that because when they have to go, I have to take them….don’t think I’d ever been to a Walmart bathroom until I became a parent LOL!
I’m still quite…particular? No matter what, I always wipe everything down with wet wipes or antibac gel.. AND would carefully lay down toilet paper or use toilet seat covers…(while telling my kid to wait just one tiny minute until mummy cleans everything LOL!)
SO glad wet wipes were invented!
Ha! I can totally picture that. Ryder once had to go pee while we were shopping but he refused – we ended up having to wrap up and go home :(
I’m not sure if laughter is the supportive help you were looking for but man Lena this cracked me up. Not being a parent and having nothing particularly useful to offer in terms of parenting, I would just like to say that I am a germaphobe myself and see nothing wrong with it..or you ;)
LMAO!!!! I’m with Tracy, just cracking up over here!
Ha ha ha, so glad I made you chuckle! Germophobes unite!
While I don’t think you intentionally tried to train them maybe they just absorbed your OCD through osmosis? LOL!!!!!!! Sorry not much of a help here but thanks for the chuckle!
HA! Not very helpful Kendra!
when i was three, my mom and i were driving somewhere and i had to go pee…obviously, at three, i was somewhat newly potty-trained and i think she was in fear of an accident…so she pulled into the first gas station she saw, and took me into the “washroom”…these weren’t the esso washrooms of today, these were the grab a key from the cashier and walk around the back of the building washrooms…in a word, DEEEESGUSTING. anyway, we walk in and as bad as i had to go, my mom could not get me on the toilet…i just kept saying “no pee-pee mommy, no pee-pee!” i think that’s when i learned to hold it. we still laugh about it today.
LMAO!!!! OMG this is the funnest thing ever :) We had a similar moment with Ryder and the Sears bathroom, which I’m sure was about a million times cleaner than the gas station…. ewwwww!!!!
Like you said Lena, as long as it doesn’t interfere with a person’s daily activities or hinder their life in
a significant way, it’s all good. Although it was a movie and wasn’t OCD but another form of anxiety, the main character in Wanted used it to his advantage rather than his detriment. In a similar way I heard a theory that people who have OCD generally also have very high intellect…
Out of curiosity, would you do a #2 in a hotel?
Thank you friend :) And I love the spin you put on it – or shall I say, putting things in perspective. And yes, hotels are fine – as long as it’s my own room ;)
Sorry, but that’s totally funny. I have slight OCD obsessions but I definitely don’t share this one with you. When you’ve got IBS and you gotta go, ya gotta go! I would rather poop in a public restroom than to pull over to the side of the road and plop a squat on the ground (which several people I know have done many times).
There, now you know way too much about me. :)
BAHAHA definitely TMI but sooo funny just the same! I had IBS right around the time I broke up with a long-term boyfriend and let me tell ya, it was hard on my system – and my OCD!
Haha, TMI!
my babies won’t either. They wait until they’re home, or if we’ve been out for a long time as soon as we’re safely back in the car.
Ah, the little Jedi knights in training :) You are lucky, friend!