Last night, it took me a good two hours to fall asleep. In between staying up with Ryder (his tummy has been funny lately and therefore he’s been a bit clingy), trying to finally wean Reid (today is his 15-month birthday, translation: get off my freakin’ boob) and sorting through all the posts and commitments I have coming up, I was literally staring straight ahead for what felt like an eternity.
So I began to play the simple game I always play – a little time-filler I invented years ago while coping with a broken heart. It’s called “Someone, Somewhere…” and I begin by defining my feelings at that exact moment in time. For example, I may think:
“Someone, somewhere took a positive pregnancy test and is screaming for joy.”
“Someone, somewhere just learned his petition to adopt was denied.”
“Someone, somewhere just reunited with an estranged child.”
“Someone, somewhere is holding her baby for the first time.”
“Someone, somewhere is kissing her child goodnight.”
“Someone, somewhere just lost custody of his children.”
“Someone, somewhere watched her baby take his last breath.”Because that’s the way the world works, right? No matter what you’re doing, or feeling, at any moment in time, someone… somewhere in the world is either going through the exact same thing – or has it much better or worse. And I find it really helps put things in perspective for me; it allows me to feel connected to a lone stranger out there who’s on the same page; gives me hope that things will turn around; or it helps me look on the positive side knowing that it could be so, so much worse. Someone, somewhere thinks that I’ve got a wonderful life.
And for the moment… Someone, somewhere is lying on a beach. Sigh… one day.
What is your Someone, Somewhere…?
Someone, somewhere just received a promotion at work.Someone, somewhere was just fired from their job.
Someone, somewhere… just won the lottery!
Thank you so much for this,I really needed to be reminded to take a breather. XoXo Thanks Lena
Someone, somewhere is having their heart broken…Someone, somewhere is falling in love…Where there is sadness, there is always hope for a better tomorrow :)
Someone somewhere is reading this post and smiling :)
I second TinyTots. Lovely post, and a great reminder to let things go, enjoy the moment,and appreciate what we have.Although…"Someone, somewhere has lost the baby weight!"Janice
beautiful post.. really needed this today too.. thanks for the laugh about weaning your son. my son is only 11 months and i'm feeling the same way!
Someone, somewhere just lost his battle against cancer.Someone, somewhere has just been granted angel wings.
Someone somewhere is holding on to a last shred of hope. Someone somewhere just got a second chance. Lena you put tears in my eyes. Lovely post.
LOVE IT!!!!Someone, somewhere has a sparkly clean house. Someone, somewhere has tiny handprints all over the mirrors and sticky tables.
Silverbullet beat me to the idea, kind of. I was going to saySomeone, somewhere has a beautifully clean house.Someone, somewhere just found out they're losing their family home.A neat exercise…I might just expand on it! Thanks!
Beautiful post, Lena. I love all your giveaways, but its these little gems that make your blog great.
Someone, somewhere has it a lot worse off than I do… I need to remember that.
I love this Lena – I'm sure you have a lot of people thinking "Geez, I really don't have it that bad!". I think this way everytime I'm frustrated with my boys. Keep up with your deep thoughts :)
One of the best blogs you've written, Lena! :-D Definitely in my top 5…it's, unfortunately, human nature to find something to complain or not be happy about…the lesson here is to be grateful for the life we have – though not always so perfect – because someone, somewhere always have it much worse!I remember, years ago, my cousin and her mother (my aunt) were battling cancer and leukemia at the same time. Nobody in my family, fought or complained about anything going on in our own lives. Why?! Because we were living through something so much bigger than our house not being vacuumed or the kids not wanting to eat their lunch….Someone, somewhere got a life altering diagnosis.Someone, somewhere, got a clean bill of health! Rest in peace Jack Layton
wow, Lena! That is a deep post! I love's so true! and whenever I am going through something tough, I always think to myself, "you know what, someone somewhere is having it way worse than you! so you better push through this!" and it also makes me look out for other friends and family going through their own rough patch, instead of being so absorbed in my own problem(s).x
Loving all the feedback and Someone, Somewhere musings. Hugs, friends.
Someone, somewhere is leaving their child for the first time in 11 months in order to work for a living…so her child can have a better future.Someone, somewhere is enjoying the first breath of freedom from an abusive relationship.
Someone,somewhere has a nasty daughterinlaw and I would like to see her reaction to see this post.
This was a wonderful post, Lena! Someone, somewhere is reading one of her favourite blogs late at night and is so happy that she stopped working for a few minutes to do so!And someone, somewhere decided to keep working instead and missed out, but fortunately it wasn't me! :)
Someone, somewhere cannot walk, touch, smell, hear, understand.Someone, somewhere is doing a selfless deed (that totally inspires me).
I am loving all of these comments! Thanks so much for taking the time to share!
Someone, somewhere, feels inspired by this beautiful post. Thanks for the tip, I was in need of some perspective and your game was just the thing.
Love this post!!It's good to keep everything in perspective, makes our hard days seem less difficult…
I learned a long time ago that even if I've been given a raw deal, someone somewhere out there has it much worse and yes, someone has it much better. I love this and it will be my new nighttime ritual. Thank you Lena.
Hugs everyone :)
wow that brought on my tears. you really have an amazing talent to write.
This made me think of Van Halen’s song/video “Right Now”!
Love this!
what a sweet idea Lena!
It is all about perspective isn’t it. Someone, somewhere thinks that I’ve got a wonderful life.So very true.
I find a lot of it is self control, not losing it.. taking that second to think of that someone somewhere. I also think it’s an age thing. Something grows, our spirits maybe,.. I find the older I get, the more sensitive I become… as a result I cry at the stupidest things & the simplest of joys just make my entire day.
someone, somewhere is not only lying on the beach, but they have a fruity drink in hand and are being fanned down by someone spectacular.
we now return to snow shoveling and slipping on ice