Last year, I spent a little too much time trying to get things just right.
“How long are you going to spend on that mantle?” my husband asked.
“Until it is right,” I replied tersely.
“What does that mean?”
To tell the truth, even I wasn’t sure. But growing up, my mom’s Christmas decorations were always perfect, year after year. I marvel at the way she was consistently able to recreate the same holiday feel; shiny foil buntings, hanging from the entranceway. A tree expertly trimmed with tinsel and decorated with ornaments. Lights and streamers adorning every available surface. The scent of clean floors and crisp white linen.
However, for a long time, I cringed at the “old-fashioned” décor, thinking it was so passé, so tacky. But as I matured and became a mother myself, I realized that my mom was curating a tradition. The simple act of using the same décor, in the same manner, every year brought a familiarity and sense of warmth, love and happiness. That’s why I’ve been using the same ornaments for the last several years, and was so set on creating the perfect fireplace mantle last year. I wanted to create my own traditions, my own memories.
This year, I’ve decided to mix the old with the new as a homage to my childhood.
I’ll be stealing from my mom “borrowing” a handful of vintage ornaments for my Christmas tree. I long to gaze upon the wooden nutcracker or the porcelain sleigh, just as I did for so many years as a child. I’d love to share the holiday stories of family, friends and food with my own boys, so they can revel in the spirit of the season.
I’ve downloaded Jim Reeves’ The Twelve Songs of Christmas album. Even though the record was released in 1963, my father played it continuously in the ‘80s. Could he have been introducing us to his own traditions? I’d like to think so.
I’ll be injecting the scents of happiness into my home: freshly baked Christmas cookies, hot mulled apple cider, linen-scented candles and Pine-Sol cleaned surfaces. The combination of these scents always take me back to my childhood, and my hope is that as my boys grow, they too will recall these aromas with fondness and contentment.
This year I’ll be trying a new recipe for mulled cider (fingers crossed!) and my new go-to Pine-Sol is Mandarin Sunrise, a powerful cleaner which removes dirt, grime and grease, and the odor along with it. What’s left: a shiny finish and a bright, citrus scent.
Do you have holiday traditions that are close to your heart? Do you try to replicate the traditions of the past? I’d love to hear all about them!
This post is sponsored by Pine-Sol. With a strong heritage and long legacy, Pine-Sol is a long-standing tradition in many Canadian homes. Apart from the classic pine scent, Pine-Sol is also available in a variety of long-lasting scents – mandarin sunrise, lavender, lemon and sparkling wave. You can use different scents throughout your home to change the mood.
We live in an apartment so as much as I would love to recreate holiday traditions we just don’t have the storage space for all the lights/decorations. We have a very scaled down version that we put out each year. The one thing I do recreate every year is the baking that I used to do with my mom, that never changes!
We have my grandmother’s Christmas Tree Decorations and love pulling them out at Christmas! We don’t do half as much baking as my mom did, but we don’t need too really.
I love the holidays. I also probably spend more time than I should getting things “just right”.
I go with the flow really, nothing in my life has ever been just right so I tend to not dwell on the little things, something shiny normally diverts my attention anyways and I forget about what was bugging me. Geesh I think I just described my wiener dog Willy lol
our vintage ornaments are my favourite!
I am like how my father was with the tree he had to make sure the ornaments had their own special spot and the tinsel had to be put on just so, and now my family makes fun of me how I decorate and do the tree, no one will help me because apparently I get mad at them for not doing it am sad though, I had quite a few of my grandmothers old age glass ornaments, they were so delicate and old, but we had a major flood in our basement one year and I lost everything, that is the hard part, losing so much that was passed down to my mother and than me, and now it’s all gone, but was a great opportunity to start my own traditions that have been passed on to my girls!!
Since my husband and I split, its hard to even think about the holidays but im determined for my girls and my granddaughter to celebrate and start our own traditions without him.
We have a lot of homemade ornaments including some I made as a kid. They aren’t pretty but they are meaningful!
I just might decorate this year
For me it’s just my husband and I so we don’t decorate very much. We do put up a few things inside and some lights outside but that’s it for us.