NOTE: The following giveaway is open to Canadians only.
In Canada, there were 3.3 million people living with diabetes in 2014. Chances are, you know someone living with the disease. I do.
Following my previous post, Making the Right Decisions when they Matter Most, I’m happy to continue the conversation about diabetes, and share the stories of those who are living with the disease – and thriving. Because even though there is no cure – only ways to manage symptoms and prevent complications – more and more Canadians diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes have achieved extraordinary professional milestones.
Did You Know:
– An estimated one in three people will be affected by diabetes by 2020.
– A recent survey found that despite the high prevalence of diabetes in Canada, there are many misconceptions around the disease and how to properly manage it.
– 82% of Canadians agree that having diabetes has some limit on what you can do with your life.
– Almost half of Canadians (47%) don’t think that diabetes is a difficult disease to manage.
The disease can be managed, of course, but when it comes to testing blood glucose, accuracy is paramount. Diabetics depend on a meter to help make important decisions in their blood glucose management. Industry standards have an acceptable error range of ±15% to lab results. But Bayer’s CONTOUR NEXT meter gives an even more accurate reading with ±10% to lab results. And accurate readings can help make the right decisions when they matter most.
Remember: share this coupon to receive a FREE Bayer CONTOUR NEXT meter with the purchase of CONTOUR NEXT Test Strips. Professional athletes like Max Domi trust Bayer’s CONTOUR NEXT meter for an easy testing experience, more tracking knowledge with 7-, 14-, 30- and 90-day averages of blood glucose levels, and simple, plain language messages with no codes or abbreviations.
Then, visit Every time you share one of the ambassador videos, Bayer will donate $1 towards Diabetes Research and Advocacy. Plus, you’ll have the chance to enter to win Powered By Accuracy prizes.
Need further inspiration? Think Tom Hanks and Halle Berry – both Academy Award winners. Larry King… Salma Hayek… Nick Jonas… Drew Carey. All celebrities who live with diabetes and have triumphed over the disease. Today, with options for an easier testing experience, and more accurate results, you may have diabetes, but diabetes does not have you.
Courtesy of my friends at Bayer, I’ve got a Powered by Accuracy Prize Bundle to give away. Valued at $150 it includes an official Team Canada hat and puck signed by Max Domi. To enter, simply fill the form below with your qualifying entries. Good luck!
Laugh LOTS! :)
Thanks for helping spread awareness for Canadians Living with Diabetes. My best tip for staying healthy is be aware of what your putting in your body! Happy Monday!
Take my vitamins!
Never discouraged to achieve its goal!
Eat healthy and be active!
Water and sleep are the most important!
enjoy life, you only live once, do that things that make you happy and don’t sweat the little things!!!!
Try to eat less processed food and get enough sleep.
Do activities that keep you active with the family. Make healthy snacks on Sunday for the week for quick grabs.
My best tip for staying the healthiest is to make wise decisions. We always have choices!
Eat well, exercise lots, keep hydrated but most of all maintain healthy relationships with your family and friends
daily walks and lots of water
daily walks. by a beach.
I drink lots of water and walk a lot
30 minutes of activity each day. It can be a walk, going to a gym, carrying groceries, etc.
laughing, loving and enjoying life keeps me healthy
Daily exercise, eat moderately and plenty of water.
I have type 2 and I keep mine at the right levels by eating properly, drinking water and exercise!! plus weight watchers helps me too!!
Eating vlean, getting enough water, taking a multi vitamin and 30 minutes of exercise a day are the most important things to do to stay healthy! Thank you for the opportunity!
Eating clean not vlean…LoL…typo!
Drinking lots of water ,exercise and healthy eating :)
My best tip is to get the whole family on board. It’s easier to stay motivated when everyone is on the same page.
Eat well,drink a lot of water and have a good night sleep :)
walks, vitamins and plenty of water and sleep
Monitor your habits.
Drink lots of water and sleep well.
My best tip is to eat healthy and be active.
get out and move
I say keep up with the vitamins and drink lots of water
Eating healthy, drinking lots of water and walking daily.
Have lots of fresh green foods and lots of sleep and activity.
Get outside at least 15 minutes a day!
Get a good night’s sleep and get some sort of exercise everyday.
Well I am not healthy but drink plenty of water and exercise and a balanced diet
I have type 2 diabetes and I try to eat healthy and go for lots of walks.
drink lots of water
Everything in moderation.
Though having a grateful heart and being thankful for health is actually an amazing positive practice that keeps me healthy, young , and vibrant. That is my best tip.
My husband has Type 2 Diabetes and keeps it under control with diet and exercise.
Try to live a well balanced lifestyle, i.e. diet, exercise and reduce stress.
Exercise and eat well, with the occasional treat thrown in – motivates you to exercise!
My best tip to stay your healthiest is to read labels on food you are eating. That healthy yogurt or granola you are eating may not be as healthy as you think. Many are high in fat and sugar.
Drink lots of water and try to exercise at least four times a week.
My best tip to stay at my healthiest is to eat healthy, have healthy thought and do healthy things!!
To watch what I eat – no GMO, read labels, cut out sugar, no processed food, buy organic. To watch my thoughts, to try to keep my mind focused and on positive things no matter what I am going through and to do healthy things, to exercise daily and find time to meditate. Thanks.
My best tip for staying at my healthiest is to eliminate stress, to have good night’s sleep, to do yoga and meditation regularly, to work out at least 3 days a week and to eat organic food as much as possible. It really helps me to feel good.
Drink plenty of water!
Max Domi! Awesome!!
daily workout and healthy diet
Even at the most stressful moment in life, stop for a minute, take a deep, refreshing breath and carry on.
drinking lots of water and keeping a positive mindset:)
Drink lots of water, take your vitamins and listen to what you body is trying to tell you.
Drink lots of water
Eating small portions and walking as much as possible
Cut out all sugar except for fruits and stay away from processed foods.
drinking lot of fluids, staying away from negative thoughts and people, enjoy life, eat your fruits and veggies
Keep active every day.
Eat lots of fruits and veggies!
I try to eat right and stay active by going for walks and getting enough rest!
Plenty of sleep & surround myself with people who love me!
Lots of sleeping and eating well.
listen to your body and everything in moderation. thanks
Moderation. I don’t like to totally eliminate any of my favorite cheat foods, I try to exercise and stay active but still enjoy my snacks now and then :)
walking an drinking lots of water
eat whole foods. fruits veggies and whole meats. processed food in moderation
eat unprocessed food
hydrate and try to cut down on sodium and sugar
Drink lots of water and remain active!
daily exercise is key!
Exercise and drinking lots of water.
Getting lots of sleep.
Vitamins and exercise !
To stay healthy be active
Just eat real food.
eat healthy,get plenty of sleep,and stay active.
Stay active and drink lots of water
drink lots of water and be active
Eat lots of veggies and drink a lot of water!
Keep moving
I try not to eat too much crap, I drink lots of water & try to exercise out doors as often as I can.
eating healthy and exercise
Eat a healthy diet.
Get outside as a family for a walk after dinner.
Exercise and cutting Carbs/Grains
I drink lots of water as well as take vitamins.
Drink Plenty of water and get good sleep!
Eat balanced diet and drink water
Don’t eat processed food.
Eat healthy and Drink lots of water
Portion control! Also, sleep! It helps the muscles repair.
Take vitamins!