… it’s not nearly as bad as when the toys go out. Trust me on this.
It was shortly after Ryder’s first birthday, which was incredibly almost six years ago (have you been following my blog for that long?). My husband and I, anticipating the influx of toys that would be bestowed upon him, stocked up on batteries just in case they were not included with the gift.
We thought we’d be incredibly clever and purchase the generic brand.
So, the toys rolled in as predicted, and Ryder wanted to get his hands on every single one right away. Since he was a single child and I had much more patience than I do now, I indulged him – ripping open the packages and setting up the robots, cars, playsets and more with the generic batteries we had purchased the day before.
Problem is, we underestimated how long a 1-year old could play with new toys. Hand on heart, the kid kept every single thing going at full blast for days on end… until seemingly en masse, all the toys gave out.
After about one week.
On a day which happened to be a national holiday.
So the stores were closed.
And we couldn’t purchase new batteries.
Can you picture the epic meltdown my toddler had? Because I still can.
We learned three very valuable lessons that day. First, set limits. There’s a difference between indulging and spoiling your kids. The boys now get to open one (maybe two) toys that they receive on special occasions, and the rest are set aside as rewards throughout the year. Second, always have extra batteries on hand, because you never know when you’ll need them. In this case, it was for toys – but it could have been for a flashlight, or another item for emergency use.
And most importantly? ALWAYS purchase quality, long-lasting batteries.
Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ is the world’s first battery made with 4% recycled batteries – and it also happens to be their longest lasting alkaline battery.
Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ creates less impact on the planet by requiring less mining of virgin material and reducing the amount of batteries consumers need to power their devices resulting in less waste. Translation: Enjoy performance for your most critical devices, while creating less impact on the planet.
Besides preventing epic toddler meltdowns, here’s further incentive to try the product: When you purchase Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ batteries at participating stores and go to energizerwinsmart.com to enter your product UPC, you will be entered for your chance to win a smart fortwo ($26,000 value!)
There will also be 10 secondary prizes of $100 President’s Choice Gift Cards. Participating stores include Loblaws, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Atlantic Superstore, Real Canadian Superstore, Zehrs and Dominion, and the contest period is February 1, 2015 – March 16th, 2015.
So, the next time you’re grocery shopping, add Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ batteries to your list. (Super convenient, yes?) You’ll have a chance to save your sanity, save the planet, and win a smart fortwo. Now that’s smart thinking!
What a cute car! It would be so fun to drive it around town!
My kids only have a few battery powered toys, and yes they eat batteries.
We go through so many batteries in my house
I learned my lesson with cheap batteries,oh my goodness the ungodly cries when they died after just 15/20 minutes of play.Now I only buy Energizer now.
We go through so many Energizer batteries in our home! All of my boys toys require batteries and Energizers are awesome!
Make sure the batteries are in an easily accessible place when the lights to go out.
Love Energizer batteries, they are reliable!
I always keep a backup of good batteries.
We’re always going through batteries and I was excited to see these advertised on TV. Generic batteries lose power way too quickly to be used in kids toys or anything really. Definitely a great product to know of.
Batteries are a hard thing to keep in our house …its crazy lol seems like every time i need the flash light its dead
I absolutely detest those battery eating toys. We use so many batteries especially for the Wii remotes. Having a good, decent, long lasting batteries is important and having eco-friendly ones is just plain smart.
Sometimes I find it hard to know what the limits should be
I both recently a bunch Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ batteries from Real Canadian Superstore and I’ll save some for later.
The worst is forgetting to buy batteries for a new toy that’s a Christmas present and all the stores are closed!
I like that they are finally trying to improve their footprint
My house if FULL of battery operated toys. My son has special needs & his favorite thing is cause & effect toys so I have to buy batteries constantly.
The good energizer batteries last way longer – especially important for your smaller camera on a trip.
I can’t believe how many batteries my household goes through in a month, let alone per year! :)
It’s amazing how many batteries you go through without even realizing it.
Running out of batteries it he worst! I love that these are eco-friendly.
We go through batteries like we go through food. Which reminds me.. I need to go buy some!
you think you indulged I have never seen so many christmas gifts until I was at my SIL and BIL they must have spent over 1000 dollars on two girls then. took the girls 3 days to open their gifts.
Great advice on spreading out the joy of new toys and always being prepared with good quality batteries.
We love Energizer batteries, they are reliable! We keep flashlight and batteries in ever room for when needed
This holiday season we bought Energizer® EcoAdvanced™ and they do last much longer! Good batteries=happy kid= happy mom
I’m usually not one for rechargeable batteries because I find they don’t stay charged for very long but if you’re telling me they’re worth trying I’ll give them a try because it’ll save me money and save the environment.